Enemies of the Word

The word of God is so powerful and has the potential to change our lives dramatically for good.  Little wonder we are attacked whenever we attempt to get close to the word. Watch out for these attacks from the enemy aimed at preventing the word from bearing fruit in your life:

  1. Losing interest in the word
  2. Reading the word and not understanding
  3. Not being able to meditate (not allowing the word to take root)
  4. The fierce attack of thorns (worry, the deceitfulness of riches, jealousy, bitterness) when you receive the word. The thorns come to choke the word in your heart so that it bears no fruit.

To reap the fruits of the word, that is, to see the benefits made manifest in our lives it has to be planted on a right and fertile heart.

Combine prayer with the study of the word, meditate and allow the word to take root also watch out for attacks because of the word.

As you by God’s grace win these battles, you will experience the great victory that comes through the word.

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